Why I am a Proud Nigerian

Yea, so I really got to say this about my country Nigeria.
Nigeria as a whole is said to be the giant of Africa. What's a giant? A giant is someone or a thing of unusually great size, power, importance, etc. It is generally known and accepted to be an unusually big and extra strong. With this little definition in mind, i think it's very much easier to understand the reason why Nigeria is referred to as the giant of Africa.images (21).jpgSource
As a matter of fact, Nigeria is referred to as the giant of Africa by most of the countries in Africa. This implies that Nigeria is generally accepted and known to be more important, and more powerful than other countries in Africa.
However, The title “giant of Africa” is a very distinguished one to be given any country on the African continent, the reputation of this title has made Nigerians and non-Nigerians uniform wonder what it is about Nigeria that makes her the Giant of Africa.
Although the comparison “Giant of Africa” was given to Nigeria desperately because Nigeria influences the largest population in Africa, that is a population of about over 180 million people. However, this parable also applies to other aspects apart from the population.images (20).jpg Source

There are quite a number of convincing reasons why I personally love Nigeria, the giant of Africa. Some of them could be.

•The population>Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, this makes it awesome for investment opportunities.

•they are known as the giant of Africa.

•they are super industrious.

•Nigeria is a country where anyone can make a living in any good job you do , no matter the level of job it is, it will still be able to feed your family.

•their military strength.

•Nigeria possesses Africa’s largest university educated population.

•Nigeria is a country where most musicians, brands and public figure make their area of residence because of its acceptability and rapid growth in the industry.

•Nigeria is blessed with so many natural resources.

•Nigerians are one of the most proactive traders in africa.

•Nigeria has no strict heavy regulations on taxes, that is why everyone leaves comfortably no matter their condition.

•Nigeria is envied by many nations because of its active production on agricultural developments.

•Nigerians are one of the most smartest countries with great IQ of reasoning and ability to detect change of condition.

•Nigeria has less disease contamination and less havoc rates, you hardly see a great disaster like earth quakes, e.t.c , happen in Nigeria.

•Nigerians have right to speech and total freedom which most countries pray for.

•Nigeria`s flag is one of the most great and pure attribute of success.

•Nigerians are super talented and can create unimaginable things.

Last but not least, 
I love Nigeria because she's the Country of my hope. 


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